A Placenta Tincture is the process of steeping placenta in organic alcohol for 8 weeks to create a homeopathic remedy.
When stored correctly, a tincture can last anywhere between 5-10years and used in any time of trauma, transition, emotional distress and during PMT/menopause to ease your symptoms. Because of the long shelf-life, tinctures are becoming popular as even a large placenta will only yield a few months supply of capsules.
To use you simply put 7-10 drops from the provided pipette under the tongue. The arterial supply there helps to absorb faster than other areas. Alternatively these drops can be added to a glass of water and ingested that way.
Tinctures are offered as an additional service to encapsulation. If you decide to not buy a tincture with your encapsulation and THEN regret it, no problem!! Simply send 10 capsules back to us and a tincture can be made.
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